Friday, October 9, 2009

More from pine butte.

Ok so I realize I never actually WRITE anything on this blog. But whatever.....
Just a few more pictures of the wonderful folks I got to know at PBGR.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Big Sky Country

Me and my mommy:)

Me and my mommy:)
Don't really have much to say this time around. We went tubing down the north fork today, and it was a blast!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day

So, I had a fantastic 4Th of July! Attended the Choteau rodeo! The ranch provided all staff with tickets which was very nice for sure. Took TONS of pictures. My parents are visiting for a few days which is awesome! We're all sitting for dinner at the ranch tomorrow night. I was really excited to show the area off to them. Unfortunately, it rained half the day and we ended up getting hailed on up the south fork road. But, it was a good day and I'm sure tomorrow the weather will cooperate.
All for now.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Checking In

Mostly photos. Had to say goodbye to some dear friends the other day. They certainly will be missed around here.
The wild-flowers around here are simply amazing! this is Larkspur.

And this is balsam root. Alice's ridge is yellow with it. We've been picking it for our supper tables, as well as for the guest cabins.

And These of course

Encountered these guys near the preserve. I usually don't see then this close.

And finally, I'll leave you with this shot of Ear Mountain, I took this while hiking up Pine Butte

Monday, May 18, 2009


I’m sitting in the lodge right now typing this. I’ll be going into town to post later on. I thought I’d mainly share some photos from the past few weeks as well as some random little things. Last night I drove out to the Pine Butte Preserve and spotted a female grizzly and her 2 cubs. I watched them for about 45 minutes or so and it was just an amazing experience! I could see every little move they made through binoculars as they grazed peacefully by the waters edge. At one point, the cubs splashed into the water chasing ducks. Also, as I was watching the bears, a Moose came into view directly behind them. Neither seemed at all concerned by the others presence. In the 4 weeks I’ve been here, I’ve seen FIVE bears! A cinnamon black with her blond cub, and the grizzly with her two cubs. Not bad I’d say!
The job is going well I think. Everybody here is very nice, and I’ve met some very interesting people. The weather finally seems to be coming around. It was 75 yesterday!
Definitely a welcome change from the freezing temps and snow we’ve had.
We’ve got a lot of great dogs running around here, and I’ll eventually post pictures of all of them. But for now, this is Gus.

And here are some more. the Front, a Blue Grouse and a Northern Harrior...

We have SO many Mule Deer!!!

On top of Indianhead Rock with Ear Mountain in the background.

And me!


More photos later. I still haven't taken one of the ranch that does it justice.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Here on the high plains the weather can be unpredictable, with wild temperature fluctuations and sudden storms. Well, I got a taste of all the above yesterday.
Firstly, when I arrived in the Badlands it was AT LEAST 90F! Lucky for me the KOA Kabin I stayed in had a little air conditioner. Then last night came the thunderstorms. And know, it's 32F with light snow.
I'm hitting out for Montana tomorrow. Decided, due to the weather, to cut the rest of the trip into two days. I'll check in either from Billings or Helena tomorrow night.