Monday, May 18, 2009


I’m sitting in the lodge right now typing this. I’ll be going into town to post later on. I thought I’d mainly share some photos from the past few weeks as well as some random little things. Last night I drove out to the Pine Butte Preserve and spotted a female grizzly and her 2 cubs. I watched them for about 45 minutes or so and it was just an amazing experience! I could see every little move they made through binoculars as they grazed peacefully by the waters edge. At one point, the cubs splashed into the water chasing ducks. Also, as I was watching the bears, a Moose came into view directly behind them. Neither seemed at all concerned by the others presence. In the 4 weeks I’ve been here, I’ve seen FIVE bears! A cinnamon black with her blond cub, and the grizzly with her two cubs. Not bad I’d say!
The job is going well I think. Everybody here is very nice, and I’ve met some very interesting people. The weather finally seems to be coming around. It was 75 yesterday!
Definitely a welcome change from the freezing temps and snow we’ve had.
We’ve got a lot of great dogs running around here, and I’ll eventually post pictures of all of them. But for now, this is Gus.

And here are some more. the Front, a Blue Grouse and a Northern Harrior...

We have SO many Mule Deer!!!

On top of Indianhead Rock with Ear Mountain in the background.

And me!


More photos later. I still haven't taken one of the ranch that does it justice.
Stay tuned.