Thursday, March 4, 2010


Sure it may still look and feel like winter outside, but if you pay close attention, the signs of the coming season are more and more obvious. The drip drip of melting icicles in the afternoon sun - the critters scurrying about with a renewed sense of purpose. It seems no matter how cold and dark the winter months are, the promise of spring is with us.
To me, spring is a time of renewal - a time to take stock of life and think about changes that need to be made. this winter has been especially rough for many reasons, but I'm hopeful and excited for whatever 2010 has in store. It's going to be a good year!
The other day I talked to Annie -- my Montana Boss -- about returning to Pine Butte for another season. I'll be starting work May 1st! It's an incredibly special place and I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to live and work there again.
Goodbye winter!