Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It’s late and I should be sleeping, but since that is obviously not going to happen, I might as well write some. I've been planning this trip for so long that it’s hard to believe - in just two short weeks - I’ll be starting my first day of work at the guest ranch. When I first applied for the job it seemed like the distant future.

Note to self: TIME FLIES.

I have four more shifts at my current job - and though I hate to admit it - I’m actually going to miss the place. I should apologize for such a melancholy tone, but I really am feeling very much -- well melancholy. Or maybe it's just that I enjoy using the word.......

In addition to being melancholy;) I’m also VERY apprehensive about the new job. So many questions! What will it really be like? Will I be able to do the job well? What if they don’t like me? I’ve basically had every bad scenario possible run though my head.

On the positive side, I’m pretty confident that this is going to be a VERY interesting experience for me.

Stay Tuned